EP159 | Ghanaian Movie Posters Will Blow Your Mind (w/ Brian Chankin)
The great Ghanaian artist C.A. Wisely
Staring in the 1980s, in remote Ghanaian villages, films circulated through underground video clubs with a VCR and an electric generator. These screenings were promoted with posters painted on flour sacks by artists who sometimes had only the VHS box art for reference. The result was a bounty of massive, colorful, often surreal posters that have become cherished by collectors and spawned a market for new commissions. On today's episode host Mike Pecci is joined by Deadly Prey Gallery owner Brian Chankin, and the two get deep into the origins of the Ghanian movie poster world, the amazing video clubs of West Africa and their shared love of video stores.
Before you listen to this episode head on over to www.instagram.com/deadlypreygallery/ and let your jaw drop to the floor.
►Deadly Prey Instagram: www.instagram.com/deadlypreygallery/
►Official Website : linktr.ee/deadlypreygallery
►Mike Pecci's IG: instagram.com/mikepecci
►ILWP's IG: instagram.com/inlovewiththeprocesspod
Featuring Music by:
►Power Glove
►Magic Sword
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The Episode is Sponsored by:
Puget Systems: pugetsystems.com
Quasar Science: www.quasarscience.com/
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