EP234 | What is an Anamorphic Cinema Lens? (w/ Dan Kanes)

How many of you know what an anamorphic lens is? if your answer is: "Those lenses with the sweet blue flares from JJ Abrams movies!", then today's episode will blow your mind.  Yes, most anamorphic lenses give you beautiful lens flares, but they are more than that.

One today's episode of In Love with the Process Podcast we talk about creating a larger stage for actor performances and blocking, enabling you to film 3 people in a close-up, and much much more.  ILWP host and director Mike Pecci has been shooting his horror films with anamorphic lenses for years now, and he recently just shot a short film using the Atlas Lens Co. Orion lenses and met CEO and Co-Founder Dan Kanes in the process.  Dan blew his mind with stories of the history of cinema lenses and you will never guess why the anamorphic process was originally created!  Get ready for a wild ride back through the history of American cinema as we track the origins of Anamorphic Cinema lenses and the effect they have had on movies!


Here are some fun anamorphic resources:



Go to inlovewiththeprocess.com to see trailers and clips!

►Atlas Lens Co: https://atlaslensco.com/

►Dan's Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dan_kanes

►Mike Pecci's IG: instagram.com/mikepecci

►ILWP's IG: instagram.com/inlovewiththeprocesspod


Featuring Music by:

►Code Elektro


The Episode is Sponsored by

►Bokeh Rentals: bokehrentals.com/
►Puget Systems: puget.systems/go/ILWTP
► FujiFilm: fujifilm-x.com/



EP253 | Cinematography: Capturing ARNOLD (w/ Logan Schneider)


EP221 | Cinematography: More to Talent than Taste (w/ Erik Messerschmidt)