EP222 | THE MAKING OF 12KM! (w/ Mike Pecci & Ian Spencer)
Michael Pecci Michael Pecci

EP222 | THE MAKING OF 12KM! (w/ Mike Pecci & Ian Spencer)

Here is the episode you have all been waiting for. Host Mike Pecci sits down with Ian Spencer and has an in-depth conversation about 12 Kilometers. What inspired the film, how it was financed, the practical FX to casting a film in Russian. Everything you have been asking for. Oh yea, there is also a password to see the film given out during the show that can be used at inlovewiththeprocess.com to watch the film!

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EP217 | The Macro Universe of Cosmic Horror (w/ Johannes Grenzfurthner)
Michael Pecci Michael Pecci

EP217 | The Macro Universe of Cosmic Horror (w/ Johannes Grenzfurthner)

On today's episode the IN LOVE WITH THE PROCESS podcast, host Mike Pecci chats with award winning director Johannes Grenzfurthner! He calls in from a film festival in Germany, while promoting his new horror feature that everyone is talking about; MASKING THRESHOLD! The two directors go deep into creating worlds in a macroscopic level, elevating horror with sound design, their love of Lovecraft and cosmic horror, and what it takes to shoot a modern day independent film. Definitely watch the trailer for his film before listening to this episode!

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EP215 | Making Decisions In the Moment (w/Hilary Smith)
Michael Pecci Michael Pecci

EP215 | Making Decisions In the Moment (w/Hilary Smith)

Joining Host Mike Pecci in studio today is the multi talented Actress/Creative Director/Writer/Director Hilary Smith. The two have a deep chat about Hilary's path from studying to be a journalist to working for Ad Agencies, to standup comedy to Acting, and most recently moving into directing films. Get ready for an inspiring episode!

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EP214 | Navigating the World of Directing (w/ Allan Ungar)
Michael Pecci Michael Pecci

EP214 | Navigating the World of Directing (w/ Allan Ungar)

Writer & director Allan Ungar joins host Mike Pecci on today's episode of the IN LOVE WITH THE PROCESS PODCAST. The two discuss attending New York Film Academy, Alan's Uncharted fan film starring Stephen Lang, working with action stars Michael Bien and Mel Gibson, and about the insane shooting process on his new film Bandit starring Josh Duhamel. This episode gives a real glimpse at how hard directing can really be, strap in for a great episode!

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EP192 | Planting the Seeds for a Good Idea (w/ Patrick Biesemans)
Michael Pecci Michael Pecci

EP192 | Planting the Seeds for a Good Idea (w/ Patrick Biesemans)

Writer and director Patrick Biesmans and ILWP host Mike Pecci have a therapy session of sorts about what it's really like to be an independent filmmaker. They discuss rejection, motivation, collaborating with writers and how to recognize and store good ideas for future projects. Patrick also discusses his new proof of concept short film called Creep Box and teases us with the potential of a feature film.

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EP172 | Building a Career as a Commercial Director (w/ Corydon Wagner)
Michael Pecci Michael Pecci

EP172 | Building a Career as a Commercial Director (w/ Corydon Wagner)

Want a career as a commercial director? This episode of In Love with the Process podcast is a must listen! Host Mike Pecci has a deep conversation with successful commercial director Corydon Wagner about the realities behind directing Ads and the complicated process of booking the gig.
Through the years, Corydon has worked across industries ranging from healthcare, to electronics, clothing, gaming, and energy. He has collaborated closely with Ataboy on hugely successful campaigns for the likes of Google, Sony, Samsung, Gap, and Virgin Galactic. In his time he has received a 2012 Young Director Award at the Cannes Golden Lion Festival and has been featured in SHOOT and SHOTS Cannes issues and honored with Ciclopes, AICP, Summit International, Hermes Creative, and Webby Branded Content awards.

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Michael Pecci Michael Pecci


Actress & director Christine Celozzi joins In Love with the Process podcast host Mike Pecci -->IN STUDIO<-- on today's very special holiday episode of ILWP. Celozzi talks about her career as an actress, directing her first film, and having a successful film festival experience. We give a shout out to the Directors Tracksuit contest winners and as promised, we address your questions posted on Pecci's Instagram. If you asked Santa for career advice this year, well cancel that order because we beat the fat man to the punch! Happy holidays from ILWP!

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EP157 | Directing: Using action to tell the story in KATE (w/ Cedric Nicolas-Troyan)
Michael Pecci Michael Pecci

EP157 | Directing: Using action to tell the story in KATE (w/ Cedric Nicolas-Troyan)

Can you tell the difference between a good action film and a GREAT action film? Is it the explosions, the kill count, or the snappy one-liners? We here at ILWP, believe that an action sequence should be used as a tool to reveal more about the truth behind your characters. Each knife slash, gun shot, fist block gives insight into how your character really perceives the world around them. Host Mike Pecci goes deep into the art of creating and directing great action with KATE director Cedric Nicolas-Troyan. They also dig into what it's like to have your first film panned by critics and how hard it can be to recover from that both emotionally and professionally. The is an essential episode for anyone who wants to know exactly what it takes to be a working director. Listen to the best Filmmaker Podcast of 2021!

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EP156 | Directing: Finding the Werewolf Within (w/ Joshua Ruben
Michael Pecci Michael Pecci

EP156 | Directing: Finding the Werewolf Within (w/ Joshua Ruben

Happy Halloween from us here at ILWP! Brace yourself for a deep dive into the craft of directing with Werewolves Within director Joshua Ruben and host Mike Pecci. The two dissect the directing process, from script breakdown, to casting, to rehearsals, shooting on set and all the way through the post production process. The filmmakers try to shed more insight on everyone's favorite topic; How to work with actors. Grab a pen and take notes as Josh explains how he was able to take a video game property and turn it into a Halloween classic!

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EP150 | Movies to Watch (w/ Mike Pecci)
Michael Pecci Michael Pecci

EP150 | Movies to Watch (w/ Mike Pecci)

Host Mike Pecci talks about working on his first production as a producer director, cinematographer and editor since the quarantine and the challenges he faced shooting post Covid. He talks in detail about his experience shooting with the Black Magic Cinema Camera 6K Pro and the benefits he had in the edit shooting 6k. He also gives a great list of movies to watch (old and new). Get ready for a new one-on-one episode!

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EP147 | Directing: Take a Leap of Faith(w/ Edoardo Vitaletti &amp; David Kruta)
Michael Pecci Michael Pecci

EP147 | Directing: Take a Leap of Faith(w/ Edoardo Vitaletti & David Kruta)

Why did you choose that lens? Why should the wardrobe look this way? Why is sound so important in this scene? Why? Why? Why? In order to be a successful director, it is so important to do your homework and “know your why’s”. Having confident answers will help you instill confidence in your producers, guide your crew and direct established actors. One today’s episode, Mike Pecci talks with first time director Edoardo Vitaletti about how he was able to pull together the much anticipated horror film THE LAST THING MARY SAW. Also returning to the show and discussing the look of the film is cinematographer David Kruta. His candle motivated lighting is spectacular in the film. Get ready for an in depth look at what it takes to direct and shoot an independent film based in the 1840’s, and get excited to see a new modern day classic coming soon to SHUDDER!

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EP145 | Interdimensional Psychotherapy (w/ Ryan Connelly &amp; Mike Pecci)
Michael Pecci Michael Pecci

EP145 | Interdimensional Psychotherapy (w/ Ryan Connelly & Mike Pecci)

Have I chosen the right path to get this film made? Should I have moved to LA 10 years ago? Was it the right call to hold out for a better actor? My last pitch seemed to go so well, why didn't they call me back?
The road to making your first feature film can be long, treacherous, and full of doubt. This is why you need a friend. A peer. Someone who does what you do. Someone who you can call to vent, to ask questions, to compare notes, and to find the will to keep going.
We call it directors therapy, and on today's episode, director Mike Pecci makes a call, to a parallel dimension. He reaches out through the fabric of reality to a fellow director who is on an identical path. A guy who has the same taste in movies, very similar short film ideas, and the same filmmaking goals that keep both directors awake at night. The amazing director Ryan Connolly (Film Riot) returns to the show to share his experiences, fears and relentless need to make that first feature film. Get ready for a passionate therapy session on how the business really works and hopefully find some comfort in the choice you have made to step off the beaten path to follow your dream.

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EP141 | Respecting The Craft of Horror (Guest Ryan Spindell)
Michael Pecci Michael Pecci

EP141 | Respecting The Craft of Horror (Guest Ryan Spindell)

Director’s Mike Pecci (12KM, Who’s There) and Ryan Spindell (The Mortuary Collection, 50 State of Fright) have an in depth conversation about their LOVE OF THE CRAFT required to make a truly scary horror film. Camera moves with emotional meaning, set pieces on a budget, the importance of story boarding, working for Sam Rami, and how infect the crew with as much passion as possible. The guys discuss it all. It’s a great addition to In love with the Process Podcast’s series on horror directors you need to follow! LONG LIVE THE HORROR GENRE!

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EP140 | VHS Horror Memories (Guest Prano Bailey-Bond)
Michael Pecci Michael Pecci

EP140 | VHS Horror Memories (Guest Prano Bailey-Bond)

What makes a great horror film director? Does it require that you spend every night watching hours and our of VHS tapes filled with nightmare images, terrifying monsters and blood curdling screams? Or does the art of making an audience shit themselves in fear, come from a deeper understanding of the human condition. A fascination with the dark side that everyone has -- so desperately tries to hide. Horror film directors Mike Pecci (director of 12KM & Who's There) and Prano Bailey-Bond (director of CENSOR) discuss the images that have shaped their careers, the human traits that draw them to a story, and why they chose horror film making as the art form to tell human stories.

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EP139 | Directing Actors (Guests Judith Weston and Lance Williams)
Michael Pecci Michael Pecci

EP139 | Directing Actors (Guests Judith Weston and Lance Williams)

If you've ever referred to actors as "The Talent" you might want to pay attention. Directing is one of the most social jobs you can have, and yet so many people who want to direct neglect their relationship with their actors. They aren't unicorns dancing around in front of the camera. They're professionals there to do a job, and it takes more than just rehearsing lines to understand how to effectively direct them. Judith Weston wrote one of the best books about this exact experience entitled "Directing Actors." This book has become almost a bible for our Host Mike Pecci as he preps his first feature. It also provides some great insight for actors like long-time guest and friend of the show Lance Williams. Take literally all of the notes as Mike, Judith, and Lance flesh out the importance of effective communication, the benefits of action verbs, and the how to direct actors.

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EP138 | Celebrating Crime Cinema (Guest Cameron Van Hoy)
Michael Pecci Michael Pecci

EP138 | Celebrating Crime Cinema (Guest Cameron Van Hoy)

If you're a listener of this show, you're probably just as in love with Crime Movies as we are. From Scorcese to Truffaut to Takeshi Kitano, Crime films have been absolute staples in the zeitgeist of international cinema for decades. Director Cameron Van Hoy utilized his love for these directors and their work to create the new crime cinema hit: Flinch. Cameron and Host Mike Pecci break down their experience as directors, their love for crime cinema, and which classics they think are required viewing for anyone looking to make a crime film of their own.

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EP130 | How to Get Commercial Gigs All The Time (Guest Ron Brodie)
Michael Pecci Michael Pecci

EP130 | How to Get Commercial Gigs All The Time (Guest Ron Brodie)

"I want to be a great commercial director!" The commercial world beats you up as a Director, so how do you keep the passion up and survive? Director Ron Brodie has an insane wealth of knowledge from directing commercials for huge brands like Aflac to getting a Vimeo Staff Pick to working with the biggest names in media. Understanding what kind of people you want to work with and, more importantly, the kind of person you want to be will help you leave an impression as a Creative. Ron and Host Mike Pecci discuss their experience in the commercial world, creating their individual styles, and the importance of perspective in a creative career.

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SPECIAL EPISODE| Why do I Make Movies?(w/ Mike Pecci)
Michael Pecci Michael Pecci

SPECIAL EPISODE| Why do I Make Movies?(w/ Mike Pecci)

Director Mike Pecci talks in depth about why he makes movies.
He shares his fascination with the inner voice, the science behind changing your life habits, and the type of characters he loves to put in his films. It's the first time ever one the show that our host goes this deep into what exactly motivates him to direct films.
Pecci also discusses why he thinks that the new release of Zack Snyder's Justice League is so great and what it says about a directors voice.

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