EP108 | Merging Artistic Instinct With Technology (Guest Colorist Lucie Barbier-Dearnley)

Screenshot_2020-11-17 Lucie Barbier-Dearnley ( lucie_barbier_colorist) • Instagram photos and videos.png

Why do you like what you like? Dissecting the reasons behind your instincts is what we as creatives need to constantly be thinking about. Truly knowing why you like something helps you to communicate effectively as an artist. Lucie Barbier-Dearnley’s job as a colorist is to evoke emotion through color & contrast on screen. Host Mike Pecci & Lucie discuss her work as an artist, her career in filmmaking, and her experience working for Sim in New York City where she has perfected the mixture of instinct and technology that is being a colorist.

Lucie’s Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lucie_barbier_colorist/

Lucie’s Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/lucie-barbier-dearnley-024bb557

Mike Pecci's IG:instagram.com/mikepecci

ILWP's IG:instagram.com/inlovewiththeprocesspod

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Email us to see 12KM: inlovewiththeprocess@gmail.com

Featuring Music by Code Elektro:www.codeelektro.com/

Say hi to our friends over at Film Riot: https://www.filmriot.com/

The Episode is Sponsored by: Puget Systems: puget.systems/go/inlovewiththeprocess

Puget Systems Consultation: www.pugetsystems.com/landing/Puget-…_hsmi=86870814

Quasar Science: www.quasarscience.com/

Industry Jump IG: www.instagram.com/industryjump/

Industry Jump: www.industryjump.com/

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ILWP Sponsor Page: www.inlovewiththeprocess.com/sponsors


SPECIAL EPISODE | Learn Videography (w/ Mike Pecci, JJ Englert and Kyle Loftus )


EP102 | Working During Covid-19 (Guest Eve McCarney)